Vulnerable Populations

Cells during the division phase are at an increased risk for damage. When dividing cells are exposed to toxic chemicals, they can have alternations in their DNA sequence, causing a variety of different or unexpected effects. Fetuses, infants, and children who are growing and developing are at an increased risk for toxic chemical exposure because of their rapidly dividing cells. We are exposed to over 300 chemicals during embryonic development, including atrazine. Atrazine, an agricultural pesticide, has been shown in animal studies to be a significant reproductive toxin, resulting in hydospadias, cryptorchidism, micropenis development. Atrazine also causes immune failure, neural damage, and spontaneous abortions. Atrazine has even been shown to have epigenetic effects in animal studies and, therefore, causing damage for generations. Toxic chemical exposure has also been shown to alter brain development in children resulting in a life-long impact. Children in the United...