Air pollution

Here’s a super brief introduction
to air pollution. Simply put, air pollution are chemicals that we inhale that cause
negative health effects. Some air pollutants are naturally sourced chemicals like
those created from fires, while others result from man-made industrial sites or
vehicles. Examples of air pollutants include volatile organic compounds (VOCs,)
carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides NOx, sulfur dioxide SO2,
particulate matter (PM), and lead (Pb). Unfortunately, these chemicals can
create secondary chemicals in the atmosphere resulting in nitric or sulfuric
acid rain. Air quality is regulated by government in hopes of keeping us safe.
The Clean Air Act set restrictions on the amounts of VOCs, CO, NOx,
SO2, PM, and Pb that was allowed to be released into the atmosphere.
I live in Marin county, the land of
environmentally conscious people and the land without any industry produced air
pollutants. For a county that prides itself in healthy living, the air quality
is not ideal. Marin ranks poorly in nitrogen oxides emissions and it ranks terribly
for carbon monoxide and VOC emissions. These high emissions increase the risk
of cancers due to air pollution. Since there are no industry pollutants, the
overwhelming sources of pollutants are mobile sources. The mobile sources travel all over the county
and disperse their pollution. Because the pollution is wide spread, there are not
staggering differences in cancer risks among racial, income, education level,
jobs, and poverty due to air pollution. Perhaps it is time to advocate for
better public transportation in Marin!
The good news for Marin is only 1% of the
homes here are at high risk for lead exposure. Also, thankfully, according to
the EPA’s Toxics Release, there are no superfund sites in Marin county. Superfund
sites are not super in a positive way. They are the super bad and the super
worst toxic waste sites across the U.S.
The water quality is also poor. I am
surprised since Marin views itself as so healthy and clean. I think that if the
people were informed that their water sources ranked among the dirtiest in the
state. Marin is ranked 6th in the state with 46% of its surface water
described as impaired incluing waters contain pesticides from agricultural
runoff. Marin’s water also contains chlorine bi-products. Chlorines are used to
clean water sources because they breakdown bacterial cell walls and keeps us
from contracting water born infections. Unfortunately, these chlorines combine
with other substances and create bi-products. The disinfectant biproducts used
in my area include bromate, chlorite, haloacetic acids, and trihalomethanes.
Even though we are missing data
from water quality, I think that the people of Marin would demand cleaner air
and water if they were informed. Perhaps, I should share my blog with my
community here to invoke a response.
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