Radon, the Real Silent but Deadly Gas

Radon is the number two cause of lung cancer in the United States. Every household should be aware of their exposure to radon and how to prevent or decrease their exposure. I would use some of the common social marketing techniques to educate public and encourage healthy behavior change in a public health campaign. A public health campaign requires collaborating with the local health department, creating ad campaigns, collaborating with outpatient offices/clinics in high risk areas and crafting a catchy message. Brochures can be distributed in public health facilities that include information on how to test for and prevent radon exposure.
The infographic below is a great example of how to create a visual representation that is catchy and educational. I would create an ad campaign called, "Radon, the real silent but deadly gas" as humor is an effective method to grab the targeted audience's attention. In addition, I would include educational material of how and who to contact for radon testing and the importance of sealing open cracks in
basements and along pipes that allow radon to enter in the house. Ventilation is critical so that radon is less likely to enter the house including improving ventilation in crawl spaces. A ceiling fan, especially those with positive ion generators has been shown to reduce radon exposure up to 95%. When the public is properly educated, they are likely to improve their health.
It is mind blowing that Radon is the number two cause of lung cancer, yet so many people have no idea how important it is to conduct Radon tests and how randon can negatively impact one's health. I think the department of public health should send info packets with radon test so everyone has the equal opportunity and ability to test for radon in their homes so they have a chance to protect their health and become aware of the harmful effects associated with Radon.