Here’s a super brief introduction to air pollution. Simply put, air pollution are chemicals that we inhale that cause negative health effects. Some air pollutants are naturally sourced chemicals like those created from fires, while others result from man-made industrial sites or vehicles. Examples of air pollutants include volatile organic compounds (VOCs,) carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides NO x , sulfur dioxide SO 2 , particulate matter (PM), and lead (Pb). Unfortunately, these chemicals can create secondary chemicals in the atmosphere resulting in nitric or sulfuric acid rain. Air quality is regulated by government in hopes of keeping us safe. The Clean Air Act set restrictions on the amounts of VOCs, CO, NO x , SO 2 , PM, and Pb that was allowed to be released into the atmosphere. I live in Marin county, the land of environmentally conscious people and the land without any industry produced air pollutants. For a county that prides itself in healthy living, the air q...
Increase of 1,400 premature deaths due to pollution?! That's awful!! I think it is so heartbreaking how low-income communities and people of color are always at a greater disadvantage due to living near power-plants, factories, etc., which contributes to the cycle of illnesses and disease that are typically found in minorities and low income communities. Rather that making an effort to better the living conditions and health of disadvantaged groups, this "plan" seems to be only concerned with profit rather than protecting the lives and health of the surrounding/greater community.