Pneumoconiosis- Black Lung

Pneumoconiosis or Black Lung is a disease caused by exposure to mineral dust, coal dust, asbestos, and silicia. Exposure occurs to miners and workers that are breathing contaminated air in confined spaces without adequate usage of personal protective equipment (PPE). The mineral dust deposits in the lung tissue and overtime, creates spots of dead lung tissue. Symptoms of pneumoconiosis usually begin with a non-productive cough and progresses to shortness of breath. As exposure continues, the lung tissue scars resulting in hypoxia that eventually leads to death. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has set guidelines and recommendations for a Recommended Exposure Limit for coal miner exposure to coal dust. The NIOSH recommends that coal miners limit their respiratory exposure to coal dust to no more than 1mg/m3 per 10 hr day but no more than 40 hr/week. Coal miners have an increased risk of developing Coal Workers Pneumoconiosis (CWP), Chronic Obstruc...