Heavy Metals

It is incredible to realize how overtly toxic lead is to the human body. It causes havoc in a variety of physiological ways including binding to enzymes and distorting their functions, inhibiting Ca2+ ions from entering the cell, and crossing the blood brain barrier and interferes with myelin formation resulting in diffuse neurological dysfunction.

Studies have indicated that kids exposed to lead experience long lasting negative effects that include, having a hard time in school, lower reading levels, fine motor difficulty, and lower grades. Other studies show that lead poisoning increases the risk for kids to have aggressive behaviors, attention deficits, and lower IQ.

Lead can be stored in the bones, replacing calcium. During pregnancy, women with previous lead exposures leach lead from their bones and passed it on to their developing fetuses. The fetuses are then exposed to lead during fetal development and are born with lead exposure and it’s toxic effects.

The Nigerian case study is another sad example of how lack of regulation can have catastrophic effects. In this case, more than 400 children under the age of 5 were killed by lead toxicity due to unregulated gold mining and processing. This case study is an unfortunate reminder that regulation works to keep people safe and healthy. This case study should be shared with all those who chant for deregulation of the EPA policies that keep industry in check.


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