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List of Environmental Toxins

Franny: I agree with your comment that the environmental toxins are unavoidable. While infectious diseases can be treated and easily diagnosed, disease caused by environmental toxins can be more challenging. 

Monica: Telecommunications...there are so many things to learn about telecommunications. The research on the impact of telecommunications is new and evolving and potentially very impactful.

Environmental Health Home Assessment:

Monica: It is crazy to stop and think about the possible toxic products in your home. Candles seem so harmless, and so do fragrances. I agree.

Franny: I agree that this exercise makes you stop and think about what things in our homes can possible make us sick. 

Personal Care Products:

Monica: Isn't it nuts how toxic secret and dove products are? How are they still on the market?

Franny: Great job using products that are not toxic!

Household Products

Monica: Pinesol also reminds me clean. Too bad that it is not as clean for our bodies as we would like. 

Franny: Resolve is super toxic. Yikes. I use baking soda and warm water on the carpet. It works way better and gets rid of the odor. 

Ken Cook:

Monica: I also was surprised to think about how many more toxins women are exposed to than men because of the use of personal care products. Think also about how women carry the next generation and then expose them too before they even have a voice. We need to change the policies!

Franny: It does feel almost hopeless, right? Endocrine disruptors are everywhere. We need to change the policies or else it will continue.


Monica: I agree that it is scary how kids are exposed to so many chemicals. Kids are so much more vulnerable too with their rapidly growing cells and tissues.

Franny: I agree that the medical community just shouldn't accept that these chemicals are in our bodies. We should help health care professionals feel empowered so that they can advocate on behalf of their patients.

Air pollution:

Monica: Looks like the air quality it pretty good in your area.

Franny: The largest contributors in your area were in the 90th percentile. Yikes!

Environmental Justice:

Monica: It makes me really sad too. Why does this still occur to people of color? Why are the most vulnerable populations targeted? African Americans and Latinos have higher disease rates compared whites that includes cardiovascular disease. I'm sure that environmental toxins are increasing those rates-air with higher PM is associated with an increase in CV disease.

Franny: I always enjoy your posts. I especially appreciated your historical references. You are so right...all of it!

Vulnerable Populations

Monica: I agree. It is shocking and disappointing that the most vulnerable do not have a voice.

Franny: You highlight that BPA affects our reproduction. There is a recent article in the Atlantic discussing a decline in human sexual activity. BPA could be a factor...for sure.


Monica: While I agree that people should always feel safe in public transportation, I wonder how the statistics compare for fatalities of private cars compared to public transport. I would guess that private cars are much less safe.

Franny: I totally agree that public transportation not only improves our pocket book but the air quality too!


Monica: Perhaps the SF dpt of PH would pay for this program? Also, would you target communities at risk? How would you decide which communities to reach first?

Franny: It is important that folks understand their risk and exposure to is always a good idea.

ToxNet Research

Monica: I did not see your post

Franny: Did you stop bleaching your hair after this research?

Clean Water

Monica: It's amazing how much work goes into providing clean water.

Franny: I agree that clean water is one of the most important developments in public health.

Bottled Water

Monica: How would you do a campaign?

Franny: I love your idea of a public demonstration!


Monica: We all take it for granted when we flush the toilet, right? It definitely drives home how important it is to only flush tp, right?

Franny: You're right. Having a sewage plant next to the Pacific Ocean in the event of a natural disaster sounds like another disaster waiting to happen.

Water Quality report

Monica: It is gross to think about microbes in the water.

Franny: It is interesting that SFO is on a different system. Perhaps for safety reasons in case of a disaster?

ABX Resistance

Monica: Not only the food industry, but what about Vets too? They way over prescribe abx.

Franny: You have had an unfortunate, real first hand experience with an abx resistant strep. 6 months is a long time!


Monica: Local schools should also integrate foods in season from local farms.

Franny: These nasty endocrine distruptors are frustrating how many ways they can impact our lives.

Industrial Farming

Monica: The vanishing bees scares me about the state of our environment. That is so cool you learned about composting in primary and secondary school. I love SF!

Franny: Those farms that you were describing exist in Marin...where I live

Local Environmental Services

Monica: That is disappointing to learn about the San Mateo Department of PH

Franny: That is super cool about SFDPH monitoring retail food safety.

The Agency's Role

Monica: I also looked into CBS and I was grateful that Trump hasn't changed this department yet. All of those in charge were from Obama admin...for now...thankfully.

Franny: Although the USDA monitors forrest service and conservation, I wonder how much they are invested in conservation since they are the department of agriculture.

Topic of Interest

Monica: food safety-can't wait to learn more

Franny: BPA is such a great topic and it is so pervasive. I am looking forward to hearing more about what you find.


Monica: My first reaction to your meal last night was that is sounded super healthy! It is frustrating to think that when you are making healthy choices that you could still be putting chemicals in your body!

Franny: Careful, even organic foods can have pesticides

Ideal Chemical Policy

Monica: I agree. With some thoughtful changes, we could really be so much safer.

Franny: I agree that we need more transparency. What if they tested the chemicals before releasing them to the market?

Green Chemistry

Monica: We definitely can design healthier chemicals..just need to prioritize them.

Franny: I love those veggie oil run cars, but am curious about their waste. Do they produce more carbon...just wondering.

Heavy Metals

Monica: It is sad to think about the life-long impact of lead poisoning for children. They are so vulnerable

Franny: It makes me sad too how developing countries are taken advantage of by our industries.

Six Chemical Classes

Monica: You did a great job. Very comprehensive review.

Franny:You also had a very comprehensive list.

MSDS and ToxNet

Monica: you are absolutely right that garbage men are at an increased risk to exposure from their work. Does OSHA address these risks?

Franny: Thanks for sharing some of your expert knowledge since you did BPA.


Monica: The cheat sheets are a great idea!

Franny: That is great that you have first hand positive experience with OSHA

Occupational Disease

Monica: Coal so sad! Why do we still have coal? Can't we find better employment opportunities in WV? That would be a great public health program.

Franny: Mesotheliamoa is the most expensive word to pay for your company to come up first in a google search.


Monica: You are too young for back pain! You should think about asking for a stand up desk or have you thought about using a yoga ball?

Franny: I don't see your post on this topic

Zero Waste

Monica: I agree that zero waste does seem do-able. Just needs some initial planning

Franny: your plan sounds super approachable

Climate Change

Monica: I agree that it is very concerning that Climate Change will impact the poor, people of color, and the vulnerable more than others. Those populations don't need to experience any more inequity.

Franny: Agreed that refugees and infectious disease from Climate Change. It's time we change our policies that support the oil industry.

Final Blog

Monica: It was eye-opening, right? I feel like this course should be integrated in all K-8 schools. Wouldn't that be amazing? Think how it could change the future impact of our planet.

Franny: Dirt! was such cool film. I didn't know that you took it in your undergrad. I wish I had too.


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